Why start with GeoTech Developments as your trusted partner for a ground source heating and cooling project.
As with any building you start with the foundations as does a good geothermal heating and cooling system starts with what goes in the ground.
With 12 years drilling experience in commercial geothermal heating and cooling projects GTD is your first port of call. We will guide you in the right direction for a successful geothermal heating and cooling installations.
This is why?
You'r investing in an energy system for the next 50 years.
This energy system has to be as efficient as possible.
We are the leading geothermal drilling company in the UK.
Any geothermal installation must have as little impact as possible on any project time lines.
With our experience we know the pitfalls and which geothermal ground array works for specific ground conditions.
We have worked on many successful projects and we know the people behind them and have in-depth knowledge of the industry players.
We can give you the most economic drilling depth and type of ground array depending on the available space.
We have nationwide drilling experience from the south coats to the Orkney Islands.
GTD has drilled and installed over 250,000 metres of boreholes.
In Cambridge alone we have drilled over 400 boreholes totalling 75,000 metres.
We are specialists in the central London, having drilled dozens of project within the footprint of various buildings and the experience needed to drill the complicated London strata into the chalk.
Contrary to other types of renewable energy, we arrive, we drill, we install but leave no aesthetic impact.